Monday, July 16, 2012

Shane is Trulia Big Deal

Get it? Trulia big deal, truly a big deal! HAH!

It's a tad belated since he's been there almost a month now, but I just wanted to post how excited and proud I am of Shane for getting such an awesome new job as Senior Software Engineer at Trulia! 
Trulia is an all-in-one real estate site that gives you the local scoop about homes for sale, apartments for rent, neighborhood insights, and real estate markets and trends to help you figure out exactly what, where, and when to buy, sell, or rent.      
Right now he's working on Trulia's Email platform. Millions of emails go out every day to people buying, selling and renting homes and the agents and brokers that help them.  Shane is building tools to do it better and faster and build out for growth.  He's into that sort of thing.

Shane has always amazed me with how smart, talented, and dedicated he is to his craft and I'm so glad that Trulia can see that too.  He's amazing!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cedar Point

Shane and I spent the last week in Shane's hometown of Toledo, Ohio. We had a great time seeing and catching up with everyone.  The most noteworthy parts of our trip were Shane's sister Kristen's graduation party (woo hoo! so proud of you!), Shane's nephew and godson Nico's baptism, and a trip to Cedar Point with Shane's Dad, sister Lily and sister's boyfriend Josh.

If you're not familiar with Cedar Point, then you're probably neither a native of the midwest nor a roller coaster enthusiast.  Cedar Point has been named the Best Amusement Park in the World for 14 years running.  There's nothing else I can say to do justice to how awesome their rides are, but I encourage you to at least watch this video of my favorite rollercoaster, the Millenium Force...

God I love roller coasters.