Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The San Francisco Zoo!

We decided recently that we wanted to start doing one new San Francisco thing every weekend and a few weeks back it was time to check out the San Francisco Zoo! My favorite was the rhino -- Shane loved the bears.  We had a great day!

Monkey butt!
Nom nom nom...
This monkey had an intimate relationship with the fence...
The REAL hippo was out that day, and I was sad :-(
Monkey foot!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Birthday, Golden Gate!

The Golden Gate Bridge is an American icon and San Francisco's most famous landmark.  The bridge first opened on May 27, 1937 which means that yesterday marked it's 75th anniversary!  Shane and I celebrated in Ghirardelli Square as we watched the most amazing fireworks show either of us have ever seen.  It was magic.  None of the photos I took turned out very well, so I'm including a video from the internet, which still doesn't truly do it justice... Enjoy!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Diet & Fitness Extravaganza

As some of you know (because we like to brag), Shane and I have been on a sort of diet and fitness regimen since we moved to California nearly seven months ago.  It has been such a great experience for us and unlike most crash diets and fitness fads, it actually seems to be a sustainable lifestyle change.  I'm here to share with you what we're doing and how it's working out (pun intended)!


If you've met either of us, you know that Shane and I often have a weakness for unhealthy foods.  No, it's not your typical potato chip once-you-pop-you-can't-stop weakness, ours is more about pastas in rich, creamy sauces and olive oil-laden potatoes and breads.  I just started drooling...  Anyways, we made the decision that in order to be "allowed" our normal dinners at night, we'd eat lighter during the day.

I've always been a fruit fanatic so a fruit salad was an obvious choice for us.  We all learned in 2nd grade that we're supposed to have five servings of fruit every day, and Shane and I get it all in what we lovingly refer to as our "bucket 'o fruit."  It usually includes some combination of red apple, green apple, orange, banana, grapes, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, papaya, pineapple, and kiwi.

SO delicious, but I won't dare share with you our monthly fruit budget
(it's scary, but so worth it!)

Shane is a bit more committed to the diet than I am, mostly because he feels he has more weight to lose than I do (for the record, I think he's perfect just the way he is!) so the fruit salad is all that he eats until dinner.  My body, however, is really sensitive to drops in blood sugar so I usually snack throughout the day.  At first I tried eating raw foods only since they contain more nutrients, but there's only so many carrot sticks and cucumber slices a girl can eat before she goes crazy.  Now I've gotten a little more creative and a little less strict so I take something light and mostly-raw like a caprese salad or shrimp ceviche, plus I graze on nuts and the occasional hard boiled egg for protein.  We're both completely happy with the change in diet, and we don't even crave anything during the day because we know we'll be having something delicious like french bread pizza or chicken alfredo for dinner (and Chef Shane never disappoints!).


The fitness regime isn't really anything special.  We joined a gym and we do an hour-long workout 3 days a week.  Shane strictly does cardio and KILLS IT on the elliptical, burning between 700 and 1000 calories depending on the intensity of his workout.

I get a little bored if I spend too much time on one machine, so I usually rotate between the Arc Trainer (very similar to the elliptical, but easier on the knees), the inclined treadmill, the bike, and the stair-climber, and I also try to incorporate a few minutes of weight training.  I usually burn between 450 and 750 calories.

I also recently started attending a fitness class once a week.  My class of choice is called The Dailey Method.  TDM was started here in San Francisco (I attend class at their flagship studio) and it's basically a hybrid of ballet barre work, yoga, and Pilates so they focus on strengthening your core through various isometric exercises.  It's the most amazing workout I've ever had (beware of coming to visit us-- I'll probably drag you to a class with me!). 

Both of us have noticed considerable changes in our bodies.  Shane has lost serious inches from his waist, not to mention how strong and toned his calves have become (a true testament to the power of the elliptical!). I am mostly noticing improvement in the muscle tone in my arms, legs, and abs. In total I have lost 7 pounds and Shane has lost nearly 25!

So there you have it!  It turns out that it's true what the doctors have been saying all these years -- it's all about diet and exercise.  We still have more work to do, a few more pounds to lose, a little more muscle tone to gain, but we're definitely making progress!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sweeney Ridge Graffiti

At the top of Sweeney Ridge there are a number of abandoned buildings which used to be the site of the SF-51C Nike missile control facility.  Project Nike was a U.S. Army project, proposed in May 1945 by Bell Laboratories, to develop a line-of-sight anti-aircraft missile system (thank you, wikipedia!).  Now that you've had your history lesson for the day, I will share with you the graffiti that now covers these old buildings...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sweeney Ridge

WOAH it's been a long time since I've blogged.  Sorry, folks! But I'm back with the photos I promised over two weeks ago from our hike through Sweeney Ridge.  Enjoy!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes

Last night, Shane and I saw Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes in concert.

In one word, it was magic.

Shane introduced me to the band when he shared this YouTube video with me (If you don't have the time or patience to watch all 15 minutes of it, I recommend you at least listen to Home -- 5 minutes in):
 I fell in love instantly.

This was, without a doubt, the best concert I have ever been to.  Alex (lead singer) was so charismatic and interacted with the crowd the entire time.  He even sang one song while sitting down in the middle of the pit!

Shane's favorite song from the concert was Up from Below because they kept it going forever with at least 2 interludes. It was beautiful.

My favorite was Om Nashi Me because the entire crowd chanted along and you could feel everyone connecting with the band. It was almost spiritual.

Alex, crowd-surfing
Want more Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes? Go buy their album: Up From Below! They've also got a new album, Here, coming out at the end of the month.  We heard several of these new songs at the concert and they were all AMAZING!