Friday, March 30, 2012

Kennedy's Birthday Limo Wine Tour!

Pardon my tardiness on this post, but last month I celebrated my friend Kennedy's birthday with a limo tour through wine country!  It was a Groupon that a mutual friend found, and once we split it 6 ways it was actually pretty cheap! We had so much delicious wine and had so much fun -- I definitely recommend Napa to anyone that comes out our way.  So the deal was that the limo picks you up, drives you to Napa, and makes 3 stops: Roberto Mondavi (delicious wines), a Picnic stop, and Chandon (for a little bubbly), then brings you back home.

Weeks ago when this was current, I probably had some witty commentary or clever anecdotes, but I have neither the memory nor the time for that now.  Enjoy some photos!

Picnic lunch! (notice my home-made tabouli!)

Notice the champagne "spit" bucket -- apparently you're just supposed to taste, and then discard.  We didn't follow that rule :-)
Notice Kennedy's birthday cup -- handcrafted by moi!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Crazies on the BART

As I've mentioned before, Shane and I ride the BART to and from work everyday.  Being such regulars, we both really feel like we've seen it all.  Oh, the stories we could tell -- the smelly folks we've smelled, the crazy rantings we've heard, etc.  I've been trying to collect photos of strange stuff I see on the BART (which is surprisingly difficult -- the crazies tend to sense when they're being photographed), and so far I only have 1 interesting photo.  But Shane came to the rescue with this video he took this morning of an interesting individual he was seated near.  I give you, the crazies on the BART:

Bird on the BART

Monday, March 19, 2012

Proud Parents

As I mentioned in my previous post, Archie is being babysat 3 days a week now and today was his first day. We just got his first report card and it's so cute, I just had to share...

"Archie is such a good boy! He was great when meeting my dogs, even tho they can be brats with first introductions, he didn't even bark!

He's very good on the leash, well socialized and we had a lot of fun. You've done a great job with him. :)

Looking forward to Wednesday.


Who's the proudest puppy parents in the world? WE ARE!!

Life Lately

Dear Captive Audience,

I am so deeply apologetic for my recent blog absence.  As I mentioned in my last post, I am finally employed!  Therefore, things (like blogging) that I used to do during my idle homemaking days have unfortunately fallen by the wayside.  I have several post topics in mind, but I just haven't had time to sit and write or upload photos.  I'll save those topics for eventual blogging and in the meantime hopefully you'll be temporarily satisfied with a few photos from life lately...

New coffeemaker! It's a MoccaMaster and so far we're quite pleased :-)
Archie is still as cute as ever (smelling my Congrats-On-Your-New-Job flowers)
TransAmerica Pyramid -- San Fran's famous skyscraper that I get to walk by everyday on my way to work!
We've been having yucky, foggy, rainy weather A LOT lately
I just discovered this ice cream at Safeway. Haven't tried it yet, but I AM on my 8th box of Thin Mint cookies for the season (and it probably won't be my last)
Since we'll be at work 8 hours a day now, Archie has a new best friend named Kathy who will walk him Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons

Sunday, March 11, 2012

New Job

For those of you who haven't heard, I'm employed!! I was hired by ThinkSmart, LLC for a project management position.  Tomorrow is my first day of work, so wish me luck!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Teaser: The New Kitchen

They're painting our kitchen/living room accent wall today! "After" photos coming soon...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Napping puppy

I couldn't figure out how to crop this video shorter, since it was on my iPhone so you'll have to ignore our messy house (and it also gets boring after the first 30 seconds), but Archie was making the funniest noise the other day while napping and I just had to share :)

Turn up your volume and enjoy!